RISE provides a range of training for groups, professionals and individuals. We are able to design and facilitate tailor made workshops to meet your needs.
Training covers but is not limited to:
General information about family violence
An overview of the Family Violence Act and other relevant legislation
Overview of RISE and its services.
Support and education for victims and those working with them.
Support and education for those who cause violence and those working with them.
De-escalation strategies
Workplace and organisational training
RISE offers training to support workplaces, organisations and staff in their family violence responses.
RISE can help train employees and practitioners to learn about Family Violence so they can respond safely and effectively whenever and wherever Family Violence is disclosed.
Training can be tailored for public-facing organisations, and also for workers in the Family Violence sector.
Our training is in line with Te Aorerekura, the National Strategy and Action Plan to Eliminate Family Violence and Sexual Violence and the Entry to Expert (E2E) framework.
Youth development
Direct delivery to youth engaged in an educational setting
Delivery to youth workers and educators
Based on the research we run workshops on working with young girls - “Girl’s and Aggression.”
Community development
Community awareness stands
Speakers for events
Panel guests
Natural Helpers and 1st Responders -Training for non-professionals with high trust relationships who are natural helpers, friends and family of those affected. We look at Signs, Behaviors, Responses and Next Steps
Community Engagement -Raising exposure of Family Harm within communities to Sports Clubs, Workplaces, Churches, Agencies and other interested parties