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If you work in the field of family violence, stay updated on the work we are doing and the people we are helping.
Te Aorerekura
New Zealand has a National Strategy to Eliminate Family Violence and Sexual Violence. It's called Te Aorerekura and it sets out a new collective path for government, tangata whenua, specialist sectors, and communities to eliminate family violence and sexual violence. RISE fully supports Te Aorerekura and it is already filtering through all family violence organisations around the motu. Below is a link to the complete strategy and the specific action plans.
Family Violence Death Review Committee
The Family Violence Death Review Committee (FVDRC) is an independent committee that reviews and advises the Health Quality and Safety Commission on how to reduce the number of family violence deaths. It periodically releases reports that set out information, findings and recommendations from data on all family violence homicides in New Zealand.
The most recent report, the sixth report titled Men Who Use Violence, provides an overview of the lives of 97 men who used violence against their intimate partners between 2009 and 2017. Find out more information about the FVDRC and read all of its reports via the link below.

“RISE staff are responsive and supportive and have a wealth of knowledge that supports the objectives that whānau have with regards to improving the lives of their tamariki. We respect and admire the work that RISE does and hope to continue to grow the working partnership we have developed.”
We can speak to groups, organisations, workplaces, and businesses about family violence or harm, being aware of people or staff who may be experiencing family violence, being a family violence first responder, and other early intervention techniques.
Everyday Human Rights
The Everyday Human Rights includes the most basic right: you have the right to judge your own behaviour, thoughts and emotions and to take the responsibility for their initiation, and consequences upon yourself. You are in charge of yourself.
Child Protection Policy
RISE is committed to the prevention and early detection of abuse and/or neglect of children and young people. In all interaction with children and their family/whanau we will be guided by the principle that the welfare and interests of the child is the first and paramount consideration.