What we do
RISE is a specialist family violence organisation. We help people understand that respectful relationships are safe relationships. We can help you grow the safety and respect within your whānau.
We want to inspire people, especially users of violence, to make lifelong changes for themselves and their children.
Through support and empowerment, we can break the cycle of family violence for whānau in our community.
For anyone who has faced family harm, we help you make a safety plan so you are prepared for any situation. Learn other skills for relationships with partners, ex-partners, children, parents, carers, and others. Gain awareness on how to make decisions that keep everyone safe.
Whānau that has experienced or is experiencing family harm can learn how to improve safety and have healthy relationships. Our clinicians may connect you to extra community services to support your family’s needs.
A variety of specialist services are available for youth. Our clinicians are trained to work with young people who have experienced or are experiencing family harm, stress, anxiety, unhealthy relationships, and lack of safety.
Age-appropriate, specialist services are available for children from ages 2 to 17. Services are delivered directly to children or also to family seeking support for children who have been victims of family harm or who have witnessed family harm. Specially trained clinicians have the skills to communicate with children in non-verbal ways, such as through art, song, and play.

What is family violence?
Family violence is violence or abuse of any type used by one family member against another. It can be physical, sexual, emotional and psychological, financial, or spiritual. Anyone can be affected by family violence regardless of age, gender, sexual identity, ability, cultural background, wealth, status, or location.
It is never OK to for anyone to use violence to hurt or control someone.
“You change people's lives. You save people's lives. You're just as important as police or ambulance. I'm glad the court made me do this, it's changed me. I don't know where I otherwise would be now.”
— Non-violence programme participant
Respectful family relationships don’t include violence.
We aim to inspire people, especially people who use violence, to understand that lifelong change does happen when you are ready.
We support the entire whānau, including people who use violence, so everyone in the family can develop sustainable ways of preventing future violence.
Through empowerment – listening, treating people as worthy of hope, change, and love – we can break the cycle of family violence for whānau in our community.